A few weeks ago. I did a takeover of a security system. With about sixty zones… I cannot say that it is a small client.
It is a question of protecting the premises from burglary. Supervising the fire alarm system and supervising the ammonia compressors in the refrigerated warehouse.
With that said, alarm systems are not only for preventing burglary. But they help us supervise other systems and they warn us when precise situations occur. For instance, in the case of this job: it warns when ammonia leaks out.
What is a takeover of a security system ?
When a client decides to change his security provider. A new company will inherit his old system or install a new one with probably with same wire. That’s what we call a takeover.
Takeover is to take control of something. So, you would doubt that it is a question of transferring a customer from a company A to a company B.
A security client can change his provider. He can ask for another company’s services. Some security providers offer their products with no installation charge and no initial fees. Instead, they sign a monthly payment contract for years. In this case a client must wait. Or comply with the terms of his contract before he starts to think about switching to another provider.
Why a client changes his security provider ?
It is obvious that the service will change with the new provider. As all companies don’t have the same service. Troubles can happen on security systems. For example batteries can drop. As a result, an intervention is sometimes necessary. indeed, security systems need service. Thus, clients are very careful about companies service calls.
Some small or Local companies respond very rapidly. Because they want to keep their clients. In the opposite big national companies have big numbers of clients. They can be submerged with service calls. Consequently, there could be delays in satisfying all service calls. Less emergent calls could be delayed. No need to say it: any customer stuck with this situation is likely to look for another provider.
How to proceed in a take over ?
As a takeover a security system is to take control of an already existing system. Usually, the new company will keep the same wires and sometimes also the same equipment.
So, after learning about the zoning of the premises. The next step depends on whether the client keeps the same system or changes it.
If the new company will keep running the old system, usually the former provider will provide the systems PIN code.
In the other hand, if the system is to be removed; it is a question of disconnecting the equipment then reconnect them into the new one.